About Us: Meet the Team
The Deep Mapping Team

John Roney

Billy Mag Fhloinn

Daíthí de Mordha

Mark Beekey

Gary Delaney

Joan Maguire

Isabel Bennett
John Roney
Ph.D. University of Toronto, Professor of History, Sacred Heart University; Board, John Moriarty Institute for Ecology and Spirituality. Research in Irish, French, and Dutch history, and the cultural heritage of coastal communities and artisan fishing. Publications: The Inside of History: Jean Henri Merle d’Aubigné and Romantic Historiography, 1996; The Identity of Geneva: The Christian Commonwealth, 1564-1864, co-editor & author, M. Klauber, 1998; Culture and Customs of the Netherlands, 2009; Coastal Communities in the West of Ireland: Sea. Land, and Spirit, co-editor & author, Mark Beekey, 2022. Recent chapters: “Negotiating the Middle Ground: Thomas Moore on Religion and Irish Independence,” 2016; Jean Henri Merle d’Aubigné and the revival of church and state in post-French revolutionary Europe,” 2021; “In Defense of Conscience and Virtue: The theological and political ideas of Jacques Abbadie, Dean of Killaloe, Ireland,” 2020; Recent article: “[Mis-]managing Fisheries on the West Coast of Ireland in the Nineteenth Century,” Humanities 2019.
email:[email protected]
Billy Mag Fhloinn
Ph.D., University College Cork, Irish Folklore. Lecturer in History and Anthropology, SHU in Dingle campus. His research interests are in folklore and archaeology, especially ancient Celtic rituals. He is involved with Umha Aois, an interdisciplinary team of artists and archaeologists, who meet regularly to explore the skills and techniques involved in ancient bronze casting and has spent the last few years making reproductions of ancient musical instruments. He has contributed to international television productions by the BBC, PBS and the National Geographic Channel. Recent publications: “Martinmas Tradition in South-West County Clare: A Case Study,” 2007; Blood Rite: The Feast of St. Martin in Ireland, 2016; “Sacrificial Magic and the Two-fold Division of the Irish Ritual Year,” 2015; “Supernatural Legends in Coastal Communities- A Selection from the Schools’ Folklore Collection,” in Coastal Communities in the West of Ireland: Sea. Land, and Spirit, eds, John Roney, Mark Beekey, 2022.
Daíthí de Mordha
M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Folklore and Ethnology, University College Cork. Adjunct Instructor of History and Archeology, SHU in Dingle campus. Dáithí is a journalist and broadcaster at Raidió na Gaeltachta [Irish-language radio service of Raidió Teilifís Éireann]. His Ph.D. thesis is a study of the impact RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta (est. 1972) had on the life and especially the cultural life of the Gaeltacht communities. The story of RnaG is told in the context of folklore and ethnological studies. He published The Great Blasket: A Photographic Portrait / An Blascaod Mór: Portráid Pictiúr (The Collins Press, 2013).
Mark Beekey
Ph.D. University of Delaware, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Professor of Biology, Sacred Heart University. Research in the use of living shorelines or other green infrastructure to stabilize coastal shorelines while increasing biodiversity and habitat complexity in Long Island Sound, with a special interest in the population dynamics of horseshoe crabs with respect to habitat requirements, reproductive behavior, population demographics, and dispersal. He also studies the interactions and feedbacks between natural and human systems in coastal environments in Dingle, Ireland in collaboration with the Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium and University College Cork. He has been awarded over 30 major grants. Publications: Coastal Communities in the West of Ireland: Sea. Land, and Spirit, co-editor John Roney, 2022. 20 articles include “Conservation Status of the American Horseshoe Crab, (Limulus Polyphemus): A Regional Assessment,” 2017; “The Mismanagement of Limulus polyphemus in Long Island Sound, U.S.A.: What Are the Characteristics of a Population in Decline?” 2015.
Gary Delaney
Originally from the city of Dublin, Gary located to Dingle at the age of 23. One of Gary’s most remarkable achievements in Ireland has been the development, as one of a team of four, of a multimillion-euro business which he sold at the age of 36, and which is still trading and continues to provide long term sustainable employment. Since his retirement from this business, Gary has gone on to have a distinguished career in community and business development, before taking over the general management and strategic planning of the Sacred Heart University’s Dingle Campus. In keeping with the SHU ethos of personal responsibility and community engagement, Gary’s business philosophy is deeply people-focused. He continues to be involved in the development of various other community enterprises on a voluntary basis. He is passionate about the development of the SHU in Dingle Campus as an academic institution, as an immersive and valuable cultural study-abroad experience, and as a welcoming and inclusive science-, liberal arts- and humanities-led educational hub, for the local, national and international communities alike.
Joan Maguire
M.S. University College Cork, Interactive Media. Chairperson of Board of Directors, Díseart Centre of Irish Spirituality and Culture :: Ionad Spioradáltachta agus Cultúir Ghaelaigh. Principal, CompuCara (IT company, Dingle). Fellow of the Irish Computer Society, Educator, Arts Curator, Innovator.
Isabel Bennett
M.A. University College Dublin, Archaeology; PG Dip. Museum Practice and Management, University of Ulster (Coleraine). Board of Directors, Díseart Centre of Irish Spirituality and Culture :: Ionad Spioradáltachta agus Cultúir Ghaelaigh. Isabel worked as a museum curator for many years and also spent two decades as editor of the Journal of the Kerry Archaeological and Historical Society. Isabel is editor of www.excavations.ie and also currently teaches a Certificate in Irish Archaeology course in Dingle.